Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nothing new really, just waiting...

Yesterday was a rather busy day. The kids and I were getting ready to go spend the day with Tabitha yesterday morning and Chris was getting ready to go to work when we got a phone call from our apartment manager. We just resigned our 1 year contract and for signing on for another year we got free carpet cleaning. It was supposed to happen a month ago, but they finally called yesterday morning to tell us that they would be cleaning our carpet that very morning! It was a good thing, but also made us go a little crazy because we had to rush around to move furniture and vacuum a few areas before we left the apt. It looks great now and I am so happy it got done before Chloe got here!

Anyway, we spent the day with Tab yesterday and are going to have lunch with her tomorrow because they will be flying out to Florida on Friday and we will not see them again for quite some time:( I also had my 38 week appt. yesterday. I am 1 cent. dilated and 80% effaced. I have been having some mild contractions off and on, but my doctor is going to be gone at a medical convention in Kansas City until Saturday night, so I really hope that nothing happens until he gets back! He has been my doctor since I was pregnant with Sean and I would hate to have a different doctor deliver this baby! So I am going to take it easy for the rest of the week and least as much as I can.

Tonight I am going out to eat with some other mama's and NO KIDS!!! I am really looking forward to it since it will be the last time for a while since I will have a newborn soon!

Here is a picture of Eleanor in her holiday shirt. She had her purse too and she looked so cute and like she was ready to go do some holiday shopping! We took the kids to see Santa at Wal-Mart the other day and the picture turned out great! I don't have a scanner and I tried to take a picture of the picture, but it was so blurry that it wasn't worth posting. Anyway, it was cute and they had fun.
Here are a couple more pics of Ellie lookin' cute in Daddy's hat:)

Here is Sean posing in front of the tree!
We are all ready for Christmas! We have our stockings, made by my Grandma Marylin, hung up and our presents are bought and wrapped! Our 6th anniversary is on Sunday, so mom is going to keep the kids that day and night for us so we can have some time together before the baby comes. We will probably go out to eat and do a little light shopping. We still need to get just a few little things for the kid's stockings, then we will probably go home and take it easy and watch White Christmas!!!
The bags are packed! I have my bag and the baby bag and also the kid's bag packed and ready to go for when I have the baby. I have the baby's room as organized as I can for now and I have the car seats situated the way I want them in the car, and I have also already pre-registered at the hospital for the birth, so I am more than ready! I cleaned the apt. last week and I will probably do a little light touch up type cleaning next week and pray that it stays nice for a while! I really don't think there is anything else to do until the baby comes. I have boiled and washed the breast pump and bottles, the bassinet and boppy are in my room ready to go, I have plenty of extra blankets! I do have some nice baskets from my mom that I will probably put some stuff in to keep in my room for midnight diaper changes or blowouts etc., but otherwise I am set and ready to go!


  1. Cute Eleanor in Daddy's hat!
    How exciting to be a lady in waiting!

  2. Score on the free carpet cleaning! And wow, you have the bags packed and everything! You reminded me about the bottles, I still need to get those out, but I think I'll probably wait until after Christmas.
