Sunday, December 07, 2008

Finger painting fun!

Yesterday we bought some finger paints for the kids to paint on my belly. This afternoon after the their naps we got all the supplies together and let the kids go to town on my belly. It was a lot of messy fun and they enjoyed it!

Here I am with my sweet kiddos and my 37 week and 2 day belly!
Sean and Eleanor's precious handprints!
Eleanor painting my belly

Sean putting his handprint on my belly
After a while the kids decided it might be just as much fun to paint their own bellies!



  1. Your belly is insane! It's soooo little! I'm way jealous! Did you get any stretch marks with any of your kiddos? I'm still in shock!

  2. Your belly does look really stretch mark free! It looks like they had so much fun painting your belly and themselves! A fun idea :) . You look great!
