1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Some news...
First, as you can see I have changed my blog's look quite a bit. I really like it though. Second, part of the reason I changed my blog's look is because it will now double as my family blog and my pregnancy/baby journal. Yes, I did say the "P" word! Baby # 4 will be making his or her appearance sometime around the middle of September! I must say that it was a total shock and surprise as we were not planning, but God has other plans for us and I feel blessed and happy. We are kind of hoping for a boy this time, but either way I know we will be happy and the baby will be loved and well taken care of. We have not yet told the other kids, but I am sure that they will be excited!
Now, maybe this is strange and weird, but I took a picture of the positive test. I really was so surprised and also very nervous about telling Chris, so I think the picture was kind of to help me realize that this is real! It still feels almost like a dream. I'm not sure why, but it's just taking a while to sink in this time around. I bought a very cheap Dollar General test and was amazed at how well and quickly it worked! Two pink lines=POSITIVE! I really don't want to find out this time around what gender we are having. We found out with Sean and Chloe, but not with Eleanor. I liked the surprise and hearing my doctor say, "It's a GIRL!" when Ellie was born. The only problem with not finding out that I can think of is that I gave away all my baby clothes already! Now, I am sure that I can get enough used thrift store and garage sale things that will work great and I probably know plenty of people who would be willing to pass some stuff on to me, so it really wouldn't be that big a deal. OK, I think I just talked myself into not finding out!
To answer the one question that I am sure people are going to ask, if we have a boy we will stick with our last choice, Milo Samuel. If it's a girl however, we will have to hit the baby name books because I'm out of ideas that we both agree on, though I would do Mary Sofia/Sophia or Mary Izabella/Isabella. Not sure which spellings I like best, but those are all family names and I love using family names. They are also older names which I also love! The problem is that Chris is "not a fan", so will shall see what we come up with together.
Congratulation to all your lovely family!! I'm excited to see who God is forming and if the baby is a girl, you can bet I'm "a fan" of Mary Sophia!!! Love sweet love, Mom
Congratulations Olivia!!! And, since I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, you already have some adorable children. Pretty exciting that you're going to add another one to an already beautiful bunch.
congradulations! i am so happy for you two! and correct me if i am wrong, but i once read where you wrote that you wanted a baby for each season, wont this make one baby for each season??
Congrats Liv!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulation to all your lovely family!!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to see who God is forming and if the baby is a girl, you can bet I'm "a fan" of Mary Sophia!!! Love sweet love, Mom
Congratulations Olivia!!! And, since I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, you already have some adorable children. Pretty exciting that you're going to add another one to an already beautiful bunch.
ReplyDeleteOh, what a blessing, Liv!! We are very excited for you all and will be so thrilled to meet the next member of the Gate's family!!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, I forgot to comment on the fresh, springy, and babyish look of your blog, really like it!!
ReplyDeletecongradulations! i am so happy for you two! and correct me if i am wrong, but i once read where you wrote that you wanted a baby for each season, wont this make one baby for each season??
ReplyDeleteSo I have been behind on my blog reading and just found out the good news! YEAH!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I love your new blog design!