Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Snow Day!

We got snow today! Sean's preschool was closed, which I am thankful, because my car would not have made it anyway. Sean's friend, Genesis, and her mom and little brother came over for a play date this morning. Sean and Genesis go to school together and they were sad that they wouldn't get to see each other today. Plus Arryn and I enjoy visiting too! I'd planned on making cookies or puppy chow this morning, but it was nice to have company and for the kids to have someone to play with. The morning went really quick this way.

Anyway, after they went back home, I fed the kids their lunch, then we went outside for a few minutes before naps. It was cold and Eleanor was not fond of it, but Sean of course had a blast and Chloe seemed to enjoy her first snow experience!

I really like how our boots are set to dry on this Florida beach towel!


  1. I think Chloe likes it!
    Brrr. I'm with Eleanor!
    Sean's a little "snowman"!

  2. Looks like Chloe loved the snow. How cute. Guess I'm in Ellies camp, just give me the cozy indoors. Good pictures. See 'ya the 19th. When is or was your anniversary?? Love, Grandma B

  3. I can't believe Chloe liked it so much. I'm so surprised. Ellie is like Marcail was. She didn't care too much for the snow either. Cute Sean and his happy grin!
