Sunday, December 20, 2009

Early Christmas celebration with Papa and Grandma

Chris's parents came down yesterday for Chloe's birthday and to celebrate Christmas with us a little early since we will be staying home for Christmas and we probably won't be going back their way again till Spring. I think it's safe to say that the kids were very pleased with their gifts! They each got a shopping cart (a BIG hit)! Sean got a Crayola Magic Light Brush painting set (it only shows up on the special paper), Handy Manny tools, Gummy Bears movie (for them to share from Uncle Jeff), some magnetic building blocks (for them to share), money from Granny (Chris's grandma), Spiderman shirt (he's wearing it in the pic), and also pictured is his spotted Christmas puppy from Great Grandma Bubbles. They also got the vacuum to share:) Eleanor got a Disney Princess shirt (she's wearing it in the pic), Crayola musical coloring set (very cool!), Handy Manny tools, iCarly movie (for them to share), money from Granny, and also pictured is her Christmas teddy bear from Great Grandma Bubbles.

Here are Chloe's combined gifts from her party and Papa and Grandma! I love all her toys! I've been playing with them all day:) And I think her new outfit from Grammy and her new coat from Grandma Marly are super cute!!!

Grammy got Chloe this outfit, it says "Whooo's the Sweetest?" And she got the little owl toy to go with! She's so clever:)

Ooops! I forgot to put the cup in the pic with all the toys! It says her name! Also from Grammy. One more thing I thought of, Aunt Julie (Great Aunt) got Chloe some fun bath toys, but I forgot to get pics of those since they are in the tub already!

Daddy made Chocolate chip cookies tonight. Eleanor was a little upset that I told her she could only have one:(