Tuesday, November 25, 2008

some pictures and videos

Last night my dad and sister Christine came over with dad's truck and brought with them two shelves and Eleanor's toddler bed and then they took with them the elliptical trainer that we had, but hardly used and some other stuff that we plan to sell at a garage sale next Spring.

The shelf that is pictured here is one that they brought that we used to replace the one we'd had for...a long time, that was falling apart. It looks so much better!!! The other shelf was taken to the College where Chris teaches for him to use there.I haven't gotten a picture of Eleanor's bed yet, but I am so thankful that they were able to bring that stuff last night so we can be even more ready for the baby and have a little more walking room in our bedroom since that is where the elliptical trainer was and that is now where the baby's bassinet is.

Here are some pictures of Sean and Eleanor with their very big book! Sean is also wearing his Incredibles pajama top that he just loves! I got it at Goodwill the other day. It didn't have pants with it, but he doesn't care, he thinks he is a big strong super hero when he wears it!

Little Eleanor "cheesin" it up for the camera!
Here is a video of Chloe moving around in my belly. I was/am two days shy of 36 weeks here. I hope you can see it!

Here is a video of Ellie and Sean dancing to some Christmas music.

Here is another video of Sean and Ellie dancing and Eleanor also spinning around in circles. It is so funny when she does it because she will go around and around until she falls down and then she will get up and do it again! I don't think that my kids are going to have motion sickness problems like their daddy! Another thing that my kids have started doing lately is somersaults and flips. I will try to get a video of it one of these days.


  1. Good video clips! I totally saw Chloe moving, reminded me of my belly right now :) . You're getting a lot closer now, pretty much one more month or sooner!

  2. We were just talking about recording a video of Addison moving around in my tummy! I think we'll definitely try to do it soon!
